AFMS Capital Mineral Club EFMLS

Monthly Meetings
NH Sno-Shakers Clubhouse
70 Clough Pond Rd, Canterbury, NH.
Google Map Link

The Web Capital Mineral Club


In accordance with Article #2 of the by-laws of the Capital Mineral Club, the purpose of the grant is to further the knowledge of mineralogy and geology by providing funds to a recipient in one of the following categories.

  • Assist recipient in the pursuit of a degree or professional certification (license) from an accredited New Hampshire College or University in the mineralogical or geological fields.
  • Provide funds to a recipient for an educational program or project that will provide knowledge of mineralogy or geology to a larger segment of the population of the State of New Hampshire.
  • Provide funds to help the recipient with a specific project that will further the current knowledge of the mineralogy or geology of the State of New Hampshire.
  • Candidate Requirements:
  • Full time enrollment in accredited New Hampshire College or University and pursuing Degree or certification in the fields of Geology or Mineralogy to obtain a degree or license.
  • Full description of a program or project to spread the knowledge of geology or mineralogy to a larger audience and how geology and mineralogy are relevant to society. (E.g. enhance earth science programs in schools). Candidate must also demonstrate their credentials to effectively carry out the program or project.
  • Present evidence on how the candidate's project will provide new knowledge or insight into the geology or mineralogy of the State of New Hampshire and their credentials in being able to effectively carry out and complete the project. (E.g. new research leading to how pegmatites formed in state or work on new mineral species for the state).
  • The successful candidate(s) will prepare a report outlining the results of their training, educational program or project for presentation to the Capital Mineral Club at their regularly scheduled November meeting following the award of the grant.
  • Application Procedure:
  • Candidate must complete the Capital Mineral Club Grant Request Letter along with any brief and relevant supporting information for request. The Grant Request Letter can be found on the Capital Mineral Club web site (
  • Completed Grant Request Letter and any supporting information must be submitted to the Capital Mineral Club website, to the Grant Committee mailbox, no latter than November 1st to be considered for a grant for the following year.
  • Candidates will be notified by December 1st if their request will be further considered and invited to an interview by the second Saturday of January. (Date may be adjusted for the convenience of the Grant Committee). The interview process will provide the candidate with the opportunity to further explain and describe their degree or licensing program, education or project goals. Discussion should be relevant to how they would benefit from the grant and how others may benefit from their efforts.
  • Candidates will be expected to attend the January meeting of the club to be introduced to the membership.
  • Selection Procedure:
  • Grant Committee will review the grant requests as received.
  • Grant Committee will discuss grant requests; decide which candidates will be interviewed for further consideration.
  • Grant Committee will notify the candidates whether their request will be considered further by December 1st.
  • Grant Committee will interview the candidates to further understand the grant request and be able to make their recommendations to the club membership for the award(s).
  • Grant committee will present their recommendations to the club at the February meeting for final vote on the successful grant recipient(s).
  • Grant Committee will also indicate to whom the actual funds will be paid to. (Grant funds for instructional courses should be disbursed to the institution where recipient is taking the course or as recommended by grant committee for other projects).
  • Role of the standing Grant Committee is as follows:
  • Seek out grant candidates and encourage them to apply for the grant.
  • Review all grant requests and perform any needed research to make an informed recommendation to the Club.
  • Interview the candidates.
  • Introduce the interviewed candidates to the club membership.
  • Make the recommendation to the club regarding grant recipient(s) for the year and how funds are to be disbursed.
  • Final vote rests with the cub membership.