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Volume 4 Issue 7

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These are the minutes of  the February  14th,  2004   meeting of the Capital Mineral Club.

The  meeting was held in the all  purpose room of the  Salvation Army Building  on Clinton Street in  Concord,  New  Hampshire.


The meeting was called to order by vice-president Scott Higgins at 1:30 PM.   There were 24 members  and  4 guests present,  Paul Gilmore, Jim Haukes, Rose Ann Boudreau and Tom Scolfield.


The secretary's report was accepted as printed in the newsletter.  The treasurer's  report  was not read due to his absence.  


Old Business:  Scott Higgins presented Bill Brown and John McCrory with their "Best of Show" plaques from the Christmas party contest.  The March meeting will be held at the Jackson's.


The UNH scholarship was motioned and passed this year in honor of James B. Moore.


New Business:  There will be a board meeting in March with some discussion on a state display.  Vince Valade discussed an opportunity to make a volume purchase by the club of various size perky boxes thus reducing the cost to members by 15%.  This purchase was motioned and passed with the amendment that Vince and Scott would determine the mix with the different size boxes.

New members voted in this meeting were Rose Ann Boudreau, James Haukes, Rosanne Comeau, and Anna & Robert Wilken.


This month's refreshments were supplied by Howard and Bea Ewing.


The door prizes were won by Martin Kippley, Bob Merrill, Gordon Graham, Fred Manseau, Dave Sheldon, Carlos Gristani,  Neil Merrill, Mike Normandin and Bob Wilken.  Many of the minerals were donated by Bill Brown, Scott Higgins, Martin Kippley, Paul Gilmore and Bob Merrill.   


The month's meeting speaker was Gene Bearss on the minerals of Maine.  Gene is an accomplished micromounter, inducted into the Micromounters Hall of Fame and whose collection totals over 10,000 specimens.  He gave a slide presentation on many rare Maine minerals and some common ones was presented.

Gene has uncovered several new minerals on his collecting trips and he gave a talk about how he found and later had them researched.  His stories about his rare new mineral species finds made you want to go find your own "one of a kind" specimen. 

Respectfully submitted,

Vincent Valade


Capital Mineral Club

Concord, New Hampshire