CMC Website

Newsletter Library


Page 2


Volume 1, Issue 4

These are the minutes of the April 14th, 2001 meeting of the Capital Mineral Club.

The meeting was held in the all purpose room of the Salvation Army Building on Clinton Street in Concord, New Hampshire.

The meeting was called to order by president Jon Herndon at 7:30 PM.  There were 23 members and two guest present.

The treasurer's report was read and accepted.  Jon Herndon thanked the Jackson's for hosting the March work-shop meeting of the club.

Old business:  The forest Service Planning Group meeting schedule was mentioned.  Betty Sevren's thank you note for the UNH scholarship in Palmer's name was mentioned.  Also the up coming Maine Symposium was discussed.  Jason Clark is this year's UNH scholarship recipient.  Tom Coulthard's letter about a new website was mentioned.
Eastern Federation ID cards for this year are now available - see Jon Herndon.  The N.E. Field Trip Association, which we are now a member with , is a group of 14 clubs with which we can share field collecting trips.  Jon will be presenting an updated list to be printed in the news letter.  The past Show Committee meeting was discussed.

New business:  EFMLS 2001 Syracuse, NY Show was mentioned.  A nominating committee to nominate the coming year's slate of officers was discussed.  The auditor's report will be in May.  The Mast Head Contest was mentioned.  All ideas to be forwarded to Robin.  A vote to contribute $250 to the color fund for the Forrest Fogg article in Rocks & Minerals magazine passed.  A double sided insert for the newsletter in the future was discussed.

Bill Brown brought in several additional items for the door prizes this meeting.  The winners were:  Mike Undercofler - Tetrahedrite from Peru; Bill Burroughs - Quartz from Flint Hill; John McCrory - Mineral Calendar; Scott Higgins - Faceted Smoky Quartz from Table Mountain.

John McCrory supplied this month's refreshments.

The club presented Kim Young with a special granite plaque for dedicated service with the newsletter all these past years.

Tom Panteges was our guest speaker this month.  He is a photographer for science texts.  All camera adapters and lenses were discussed A slide presentation was also given showing examples using the various techniques mentioned.

Respectfully submitted,

Vincent Valade

Capital Mineral Club
Concord, New Hampshire